Efficient Essay Writing Exercises: Top 4 Techniques

You will be writing your entire school career- and possibly even in the future. Writing within certain time restraints is also something that you will need to do for tests, and even the SAT. For this reason, it is essential that you learn how to efficiently write an essay. Before you get flustered trying to boost your writing speed, try these top 4 techniques.


Before you can compose any piece of writing, you will need to be able to come up with a topic. Practice brainstorming techniques to help you think faster. Begin by choosing a category, or a specific type of paper that you would possibly write. Then, spend a few minutes jotting down ideas. At the end of this exercise, broaden or narrow your ideas into a manageable topic.

Practice Writing

Once you do have a topic, write about it. Remember to draft an outline before you begin, to help organize your thoughts. Once your thoughts are organized, you can construct your rough draft. You will then need to proofread your essay, for both clarity and errors. Try to complete the entire essay from start to finish within a 30-40 minute time frame. If you want more specific help, look up practice tests to get an idea of the kinds of topic you will be writing about.

Knowing Basic Essay Structures

For this exercise, you will test how well you know the structures of certain types of papers. Some of the most common types of papers you will come across include exploratory, persuasive, and compare and contrast. Begin by constructing a basic outline for these, making note of where your thesis statement, main ideas, and supporting details should be. Then, practice writing these types of essays. If you really want to help yourself, you should also make a list of transitional words and phrases that will help the flow of your writing.

Allocating Time

The final technique that you must master to be an efficient essay writer is time allocation. Often, tests allow just 30-40 minutes for completion of a paper. Remember that you need time for brainstorming, making an outline, writing a rough draft, and proofreading. A good guideline is to spend 5 minutes brainstorming, 10 minutes making a detailed outline, 10 minutes writing the rough draft, and 5 minutes proofreading. As you practice, you will be able to adjust the guidelines to fit your specific writing style.

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